Turn of the Century Pediatrics Emphasizing Wellness & Education
Please read the following before signing up for Century-Airport Pediatrics’ Patient Portal hosted by FollowMyHealth (FMH). Initial setup must be done through an e-mail invitation sent by noreply@followmyhealth. This e-mail is initiated by Century-Airport Pediatrics (C-AP).
It is recommended to create the initial account and view through a PC or Laptop vs. the FMH app.
It is recommended all accounts be setup using a SECURE FMH account and not using other platforms such as: Google, Facebook, Apple, Cerner, Yahoo, or Microsoft. If something other than FMH is used, We (Century-Airport) are unable to help with any account or password recovery issues.
If you are trying to access via phone, please download the FollowMyHealth app first and then proceed with activation through the e-mail invitation.
YouTube provides videos that are very helpful for first time users.
Setting up an account: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7JSzFJpUSw
Patient Portal Walk-through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW5GG1aGuwE
A devoted FollowMyHealth YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jardogs1 – provides weekly videos
Other Common Patient Portal Questions
How do I sign up for the FollowMyHealth Patient Portal?
All sign-up is initiated in the office. Based on the age of the patient, a form is filled out by the proxy and/or patient and submitted back to the front desk. Based on that form, an e-mail invite is populated and sent to the Proxy or Patient from noreply@followmyhealth. Once the e-mail is received (keep watch, it may go to a spam folder), the account MUST be setup by clicking the link in that e-mail, otherwise you will NOT be connected to Century-Airport Pediatrics (C-AP).
What if I already have a FMH account?
If you already have a FMH account and you are looking to add a new family member or merge the accounts, all must be initiated by the office sending an e-mail invitation. After receiving, instead of creating a new account, choose the option to sign into an existing account and this will merge the account(s).
Why can’t I view my child’s records?
If you did not sign up in the office, Century-Airport Pediatrics records will not be available. All accounts MUST initially be created through an e-mail invitation initiated my Century- Airport Pediatrics and sent from noreply@followmyhealth. This e-mail is created based on the form that was filled out in the office. The e-mail will contain directions and a security code that is required for the account to be created.
There are privacy restrictions set in place by FollowMyHealth. When the patient turns 18 years old, the Proxy account becomes inactive. Which means the Proxy no longer has access to the account. Any 18 year old can request to setup up their own Portal Account to access records.
For patients 12-17 years old, for initial setup, the patient must give written consent for the Proxy account to be created. This is done by completing the proper form in the office.
No initial access will be granted to a Proxy unless written consent is given from the patient.
Patients newborn to 11 years old will have no restrictions.
Are you viewing the correct family member?
For most members 18 years and younger, the account is setup under a Proxy. That is the person who will be on the main screen once signed into the FollowMyHealth (FMH) website or app.
Please make sure you are selecting the member you would like to view from the drop down screen and refresh.
How do I print a document sent from C-AP?
After logging in and selecting the correct patient, select My Health.
Documents and Immunizations can be accessed/exported from this section and be downloaded, faxed, e-mailed, and printed.
Patients’ families can be more active participants in health care decisions. We help to build better relationships, and better communication, between patients and their clinical care; this is done through multiple providers, services, and locations, thus improving patient experience, and trying to reduce health care costs.
Our Patient Portal allows communication for Patient Messages, Uploading Images, Health Forms, Paperwork (to & from CAP) and Requesting Medication Refills and Appointments in a secure application.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call us at 716-893-7337.
Address: Century-Airport Pediatrics
@OLV Human Services
790 Ridge Road, 1st floor
Lackawanna, NY 14218
716-893-7699 FAX
716-695-7015 (AFTER HOURS)
Office Hours:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Tuesday/Thursday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
We Accept:
FSA Cards | We Accept Most Insurances